I managed to fix the pay per-view gallery which didn’t work for a long time. Individual animations for 50cents each instead of a subscription. You do have to deposit 10$ first but they give a 5$ bonus and you can pick only the stuff you like. Some people seemed to prefer it.
Speaking of subscriptions, I was toying with the idea of abandoning the requests feature altogether, since I don’t feel it’s working out, but I’ve considered the alternative of offering a more explicit exchange: You spend the equivalent of 100$ in membership fees to my site (Some of you have already done this easily) and that buys you a character request which I create immediately. This keeps things fair since it rewards long term members and let’s face it, carrying out requests only makes sense for me if people stay subscribed longterm.
Feel free to comment here or in my email if you think this is a good idea (Bear in mind the alternative 🙂 )
Comments to this blog do not require registration, just type in your comment and once it’s posted and I’ve approved it all your following comments will be posted automatically – this is a spam protection measure, and it’s needed since I’m getting 12 comments a day from automated spambots. Meaning that if people don’t start using that feature I’ll have to turn it off since I get enough spam as it is without inviting anymore. 🙂
Oh, pics! I have been working on stuff, mainly a remake of my Aya Brea animations, with an updated

I hooked up my normal 17″ monitor to my laptop and switched on the extended desktop option to give me a dual monitor setup. It’s kinda neat to have all this screen space!