Category Archives: Updates

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Multiple enemies, livestream?

multipleenemiesI have been working on support for multiple enemies on screen, it seems it can handle a few without much difficulty or slowdown even on my old laptop, the 3d models need to be optimized to be lighter though.

There’s a weird bug where the enemy will go into a injury reaction loop if he’s been hit at the same time he initiates a grab. I need to figure out why this happens.

Would anyone be interested in watching me work on livestream? I feel it might be like watching paint dry, but I guess it would help keep me focused.  Other 3d artists like Jessica Anner do it so maybe I should too.

Support my project!

screenshotdrow.jpg I have an announcement to make, as of february 2015 I am once again a full time freelancer. This means I have time to dedicate to my various projects, but only if I receive support.

If you wish to help me continue making this game please click here, and signup as a patron on the level you can afford.


Alpha 0.2 release


-Placeholder start screen implemented with mouse support, background video texture and intro music (Soundtrack credit: Calvin Morris)  Credit link is also clickable in game, please warn me if it causes problems like opening multiple browser windows. Bitcoin donation QR code graphic can be mouseovered to grow

-Cameras are now set to follow the character rather than fixed, shift makes the camera focus tighter for aiming

-Toon render outlines around models.

-Q key makes character turn 180º (Slightly glitchy)

-New resting animation.

-New falling animation when character goes over the cliff.

-Pushing animation when character walks into a pushable object.

-Enemy now cannot see player through obstacles, allowing for sneaking gameplay (Problem: New vision system is very narrow focus, I’m leaving the orc’s vision indicator visible for debugging, it’s a red line)

Enemy has a new pathing system that will allow him to follow around obstacles (Needs work)

Fixed dynamic shadows, as a compromise the shadow casting light follows the main character.

Added life bar, it has logic for damage and healing but no events affect it just yet.